This young man is having to use a walker and apparently had surgery a few years ago. He was told that he had a mass but when they performed the operation they could not find one. Steve, a physical therapist, was here a few weeks ago and he went to visit him. He gave him some exercises to do so Juan and I will be making a house call every two weeks to offer support and help him in any way that we can.
Today we had clinic in Paxot II. Gaspar and I arrived and met Juan there since this is his community. He had a small clinic of only 7 patients.
One good thing about Paxot is that they like to feed you..................if fact, sometimes it is difficult to eat everything. We started out by having atole and a muffin for our morning snack. In fact, I had two cups of atole. We sat in the kitchen area over the open flames and tried to stay warm. Juan's mom and Manuel's mom are usually there and they take good care of us.
We had a mom bring in her 2 week old baby, Kevin. This is her first baby and she was a little nervous about typical baby things so we just chatted for awhile. We had a small gift for her that included a bulb syringe, a baby blanket and some shampoo.

Kevin weighed 7 lbs at birth and today weighed 14 lbs.
When we finished seeing all of the patients, we were told to wash our hands since lunch was ready. We went down to the pilas and washed our hands. Then we sat by the fires again and enjoyed steak, rice, tortillas, fresh salsa and a warm peach drink.
I am still in the process of moving so I went by the new house with some more of my things. They also connected the internet today so I hope that will work fine.
Tomorrow the guys and I head to Mactzul VI for clinic. Please be thinking of Lisa and Kemmel as they are in The City. Their sponsoring congregation will arrive tomorrow and will be with us for one week.